Harvard CS50 – Full Computer Science University Course


Embark on a comprehensive 24-hour computer science journey with Harvard University's renowned CS50 course. Dive into the fundamentals of programming and computer science, starting with Scratch and progressing through C, arrays, algorithms, memory management, and data structures. Explore higher-level languages like Python, delve into databases with SQL, and master web development essentials including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Flask. The course concludes with engaging topics such as emoji and cybersecurity. Access additional resources, including slides and source code, on the official CS50 website. Join a vibrant learning community across various social platforms to enhance your educational experience in this intellectually stimulating introduction to the art of programming.


⌨️ Lecture 0 - Scratch
⌨️ Lecture 1 - C
⌨️ Lecture 2 - Arrays
⌨️ Lecture 3 - Algorithms
⌨️ Lecture 4 - Memory
⌨️ Lecture 5 - Data Structures
⌨️ Lecture 6 - Python
⌨️ Lecture 7 - SQL
⌨️ Lecture 8 - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
⌨️ Lecture 9 - Flask
⌨️ Lecture 10 - Emoji
⌨️ Cybersecurity

Taught by


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4.7 rating, based on 607 Class Central reviews

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Profile image for Mohammad Ilham

Mohammad Ilham @ilhamsiddiq 4 months ago

Dalam kursus Harvard CS50, Saya mempelajari berbagai topik yang mencakup dasar-dasar pemrograman dan konsep-konsep teknis. Berikut adalah rangkuman dari beberapa topik yang Saya dapatkan: Scratch: Kursus dimulai dengan Scratch, platform pemrograman…

Dalam kursus Harvard CS50, Saya mempelajari berbagai topik yang mencakup dasar-dasar pemrograman dan konsep-konsep teknis. Berikut adalah rangkuman dari beberapa topik yang Saya dapatkan:

Scratch: Kursus dimulai dengan Scratch, platform pemrograman visual yang dirancang untuk memperkenalkan konsep-konsep dasar pemrograman kepada pemula, seperti algoritma, kontrol alur, dan logika pemrograman.
Bahasa C: Saya mempelajari bahasa pemrograman C, termasuk sintaks dasar, tipe data, struktur kontrol, fungsi, dan pengelolaan memori. C merupakan bahasa dasar yang penting dalam pemrograman komputer.
Array: Saya belajar tentang array, struktur data yang menyimpan kumpulan elemen data yang sama jenisnya. Saya belajar bagaimana mengakses, mengubah, dan mengelola array dalam pemrograman.
Algoritma: Saya mempelajari konsep dasar algoritma, termasuk pencarian, pengurutan, dan analisis kompleksitas algoritma. Saya belajar bagaimana merancang dan menganalisis algoritma untuk menyelesaikan berbagai masalah.
Memory: Saya mempelajari tentang manajemen memori dalam pemrograman, termasuk alokasi dan dealokasi memori, pointer, dan segmen memori. Ini penting untuk memahami bagaimana program bekerja secara internal dan menghindari bug memori.
Struktur Data: Saya mempelajari berbagai struktur data, seperti linked list, stack, queue, dan tree. Saya belajar bagaimana menggunakan struktur data ini untuk menyimpan dan mengorganisir data dengan efisien.
Python: Saya diperkenalkan pada bahasa pemrograman Python, yang populer karena sintaksnya yang mudah dipahami dan beragamnya penggunaan. Saya mempelajari dasar-dasar Python serta bagaimana menggunakannya untuk menyelesaikan berbagai masalah.
SQL: Saya mempelajari bahasa kueri SQL untuk mengakses dan memanipulasi basis data. Saya belajar tentang pembuatan dan pengelolaan tabel, penggunaan kueri SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, serta konsep-konsep lain dalam database.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript: Saya belajar tentang dasar-dasar pengembangan web, termasuk HTML untuk struktur halaman web, CSS untuk tata letak dan gaya, dan JavaScript untuk interaktivitas dan dinamika.
Flask: Saya mempelajari Flask, sebuah framework web untuk Python, yang memungkinkan Saya membuat aplikasi web dengan mudah. Saya belajar tentang routing, template, form, dan integrasi basis data dalam Flask.
Emoji: Saya mempelajari bagaimana menggunakan emoji dalam pemrograman, termasuk bagaimana mengintegrasikannya ke dalam kode dan menggunakannya untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna.
Keamanan Siber (Cyber Security): Saya mempelajari konsep dasar keamanan siber, termasuk enkripsi, autentikasi, otorisasi, serangan siber umum, dan praktik-praktik keamanan yang baik dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak.
Ini adalah rangkuman singkat dari beberapa topik yang Saya pelajari dalam kursus Harvard CS50. Setiap topik memberikan Saya landasan penting dalam pemrograman dan teknologi informasi yang dapat diterapkan dalam berbagai konteks dan industri.

Profile image for Platon Loveyko

Platon Loveyko @platonloveyko 1 year ago

As an aspiring computer science enthusiast, I recently embarked on an incredible learning journey with Harvard CS50 through freeCodeCamp, and I must say it has been an exceptional experience. This full computer science university course has left a l…

As an aspiring computer science enthusiast, I recently embarked on an incredible learning journey with Harvard CS50 through freeCodeCamp, and I must say it has been an exceptional experience. This full computer science university course has left a lasting impact on my understanding of the subject, and I cannot praise it enough.

First and foremost, the course content was masterfully crafted. It covered a wide range of topics, starting from the fundamentals of programming all the way to complex data structures and algorithms. The instructors at Harvard University have a remarkable talent for explaining intricate concepts in a clear and engaging manner. They made sure to strike a perfect balance between theory and hands-on exercises, which kept me actively involved throughout the course.

One aspect that sets Harvard CS50 apart is the emphasis on problem-solving and critical thinking. The problem sets provided challenged my abilities and encouraged me to think creatively to come up with innovative solutions. The course's practical approach allowed me to apply the knowledge gained to real-world scenarios, instilling a sense of confidence in my programming skills.

Furthermore, the freeCodeCamp platform was user-friendly and intuitive, making navigation seamless and hassle-free. The interface allowed me to access lectures, problem sets, and additional resources conveniently, which was crucial for maintaining a steady pace in my learning journey.

Another highlight was the supportive community that surrounded the course. I was pleasantly surprised by the active online forums and discussion groups, where fellow learners from around the world shared insights, tips, and encouragement. This sense of camaraderie motivated me to push my limits and achieve more than I thought possible.

In conclusion, Harvard CS50 via freeCodeCamp is undoubtedly a gem in the realm of computer science courses. The depth and quality of instruction, combined with a supportive learning environment, made it an unforgettable experience. I now feel well-equipped with a solid foundation in computer science, thanks to this extraordinary course. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned programmer looking to expand your knowledge, I wholeheartedly recommend Harvard CS50 as an essential part of your learning journey. Kudos to Harvard University and freeCodeCamp for providing this incredible opportunity!

Profile image for Sufian Mohidin

Sufian Mohidin @sutrasarawak 7 months ago

As a Sarawakian artist, completing this course has unfolded an odyssey filled with revelations. Harvard CS50, in its own right is like a transformative venture, adeptly intertwining the intricate threads of creativity and technology into an expan…

As a Sarawakian artist, completing this course has unfolded an odyssey filled with revelations. Harvard CS50, in its own right is like a transformative venture, adeptly intertwining the intricate threads of creativity and technology into an expansive tapestry of understanding that surpassed my initial expectations.

In my mother tongue, I would say: Pecah palak, tapi tajam otak sik dapat dibulak bah!
- Lets leave that as a mystery. Only Sarawakians would know.

I know and I can tell you why Harvard is the bomb. This power lies in its instuctors. Let me tell you this- These master deserve all the commendations for their adeptness in simplifying intricate concepts.
David J. Malan, the maestro behind the pedagogical magic, possesses an uncanny ability to demystify the enigmatic languages of coding and algorithms. His teaching style, pulsating with energy and engagement, transcended the confines of the screen, transforming the intricate dance of 0s and 1s into strokes on the canvas of my artistic expression. As a Sarawakian artist navigating the unfamiliar terrain of coding, this approach proved to be invaluable.

The course's structure, inaugurating with Scratch – a visual programming language – felt like a stroke of brilliance. It mirrored the process of mastering the rudiments of sketching before venturing into the creation of a masterpiece. This gradual ascent facilitated my transition into more intricate languages like C and Python, akin to the layered application of colors on my artistic canvas, imbuing me with newfound confidence.

However, the course did present its share of challenges. The relentless pace necessitated unwavering dedication, with certain concepts demanding multiple revisits for comprehensive understanding. Yet, surmounting these obstacles yielded a profound sense of accomplishment, reminiscent of refining a particularly intricate brushstroke technique.

In conclusion, Harvard CS50 transcends the conventional definition of a computer science course; it unfolds as a voyage that spans geographical boundaries, forging connections between artists and technologists. For a Sarawakian artist like myself, it manifested as a journey that expanded my horizons, seamlessly amalgamating the hues of traditional art with the pixels of the digital canvas. It serves as a testament to the universality of knowledge and the transformative potential inherent in education.

Profile image for Ronne Amaro

Ronne Amaro @RonneAmaro 1 month ago

Meu nome é Ronne Maicon Amaro dos Reis. Sou formado em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas (2017), pós-graduado em MBA Gerenciamento de Projetos T.I (2021) e em Docência Profissional e Tecnológica, com título de Especialista (2022). Atualmente, tr…

Meu nome é Ronne Maicon Amaro dos Reis. Sou formado em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas (2017), pós-graduado em MBA Gerenciamento de Projetos T.I (2021) e em Docência Profissional e Tecnológica, com título de Especialista (2022). Atualmente, trabalho como professor de tecnologia.

Recentemente, concluí o curso "Harvard CS50 – Curso Universitário Completo em Ciência da Computação" e gostaria de compartilhar minha experiência.

O curso CS50 é uma introdução abrangente à ciência da computação e à arte da programação. Ministrado pelo professor David J. Malan, o curso cobre uma variedade de tópicos essenciais, incluindo algoritmos, estruturas de dados, segurança, desenvolvimento web e muito mais.

Pontos Positivos:
Qualidade do Ensino: O professor Malan é excepcional na maneira como apresenta o conteúdo. Suas explicações são claras e envolventes, facilitando o entendimento de conceitos complexos.
Abrangência do Conteúdo: O curso aborda uma ampla gama de tópicos, proporcionando uma visão completa e aprofundada da ciência da computação.
Hands-on: A ênfase em projetos práticos e desafios de programação ajuda a solidificar o aprendizado e a desenvolver habilidades práticas essenciais.
Recursos Disponíveis: O curso oferece uma abundância de recursos, incluindo vídeos, anotações, fóruns de discussão e suporte da comunidade.

Pontos a Melhorar:
Idioma: Seria de grande valia se os curso tivesse legenda em outros idiomas para melhor disseminação para um numero maior de possoas.
Nível de Dificuldade: Alguns tópicos podem ser bastante avançados para iniciantes completos. Um conhecimento prévio básico em programação pode ser útil.

Em resumo, o CS50 é um curso excepcional que oferece uma sólida base em ciência da computação. Recomendo fortemente para qualquer pessoa interessada em aprofundar seus conhecimentos na área, seja um iniciante ou alguém buscando aprimorar suas habilidades.

Profile image for Paulo

Paulo 7 months ago

Critical Review of Harvard CS50 - Introduction to Computer Science Introduction: Harvard CS50 - Introduction to Computer Science is an excellent opportunity for those who want to learn the fundamentals of computer science, regardless of their pri…

Critical Review of Harvard CS50 - Introduction to Computer Science

Harvard CS50 - Introduction to Computer Science is an excellent opportunity for those who want to learn the fundamentals of computer science, regardless of their prior experience. The course is taught by David Malan, a professor of computer science at Harvard, and offers a comprehensive introduction to various topics, including:

Programming: C, Python, Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and SQL
Algorithms: Search, sorting, data structures
Computer networks: TCP/IP, HTTP, DNS
Computer security: Cryptography, authentication, attacks
Web development: Front-end, back-end, databases
Artificial intelligence: Machine learning, natural language processing
Computing ethics: Algorithmic bias, privacy, intellectual property
Strengths of the course:

Comprehensive and well-structured content: The course covers a wide range of topics, from programming fundamentals to more advanced areas such as artificial intelligence and computing ethics. The content is presented in an organized and progressive manner, facilitating learning.
High-quality teaching materials: The course offers high-quality teaching materials, including video lectures, lectures, exercises, projects, and quizzes. The video lectures are particularly well-made, with clear and concise explanations, as well as practical examples that help illustrate the concepts.
Experienced and accessible instructors: The course is taught by experienced and accessible instructors who are always available to answer questions and help students. In addition to video lectures, the course offers online forums and live tutoring sessions where students can interact with instructors and other students.
Vibrant community: The CS50 course has a vibrant community of students from all over the world. This community is a great resource for students, as it provides a space to exchange ideas, ask questions, and collaborate on projects.
Certificate of completion: Upon completion of the course, students receive a certificate of completion from Harvard University. This certificate can be an important differentiator on a professional's resume.
Weaknesses of the course:

High workload: The CS50 course is an extensive course, approximately 12 weeks long with an estimated workload of 10 to 12 hours per week. This can be challenging for those with other responsibilities, such as work or school.
Difficulty for beginners: The CS50 course is an introductory course, but it can be challenging for those with no programming experience. The first modules of the course require some effort to keep up with the pace of the classes and complete the exercises.
Lack of focus on specific areas: The CS50 course offers a comprehensive introduction to computer science, but does not go into depth in specific areas. If you want to specialize in a specific area, such as web development or artificial intelligence, you will need to seek out other courses or resources.

Harvard CS50 - Introduction to Computer Science is an excellent option for those who want to learn the fundamentals of computer science and gain a solid foundation for further studies or a career in the field. The course offers comprehensive and high-quality content, experienced instructors, and a vibrant community. However, it is important to keep in mind that the course requires dedication and can be challenging for beginners.

Assess your time availability and knowledge level before enrolling in the course.
Actively participate in classes, online forums, and tutoring sessions.
Supplement the course with other resources, such as books, tutorials, and online courses, to go deeper into specific areas.

Profile image for Sk Md Yasin

Sk Md Yasin 1 year ago

Harvard's CS50, also known as "Introduction to Computer Science," is one of the most renowned and well-regarded computer science courses in the world. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, I can provide you with a comprehensive review of…

Harvard's CS50, also known as "Introduction to Computer Science," is one of the most renowned and well-regarded computer science courses in the world. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, I can provide you with a comprehensive review of the course based on its reputation and content up to that point.

**Course Overview:**
CS50 is an introductory computer science course designed to provide students with a solid foundation in computer science and programming. It's taught by Professor David J. Malan and is part of Harvard University's curriculum. The course is notable for its rigorous approach to teaching computer science and its engaging lectures.

1. **Engaging Lectures:** Professor Malan is known for his dynamic and engaging teaching style. His lectures are not only informative but also entertaining, making complex topics more accessible.

2. **Diverse Curriculum:** CS50 covers a wide range of topics, including computer science fundamentals, algorithms, data structures, web development, and more. This breadth ensures that students get exposure to various aspects of computer science.

3. **Problem-Solving Emphasis:** The course places a strong emphasis on problem-solving skills, which are essential in the field of computer science. Students are challenged with problem sets and projects that require creative thinking and programming skills.

4. **Supportive Community:** CS50 has a strong online community of students and enthusiasts who can help with problem-solving and offer support. The course has a dedicated subreddit and discussion forums.

5. **Online Accessibility:** The course is made available online for free through edX, allowing individuals worldwide to access the lectures, problem sets, and other course materials. This has contributed to its popularity and accessibility.

6. **Diverse Resources:** In addition to lectures, CS50 provides supplementary resources such as walkthroughs, shorts (short video clips explaining concepts), and a variety of programming languages, including C, Python, SQL, and more.

7. **Challenging Problem Sets:** CS50 is known for its challenging problem sets that push students to apply what they've learned in lectures. Completing these assignments is crucial for a deep understanding of the material.

8. **Final Project:** The course culminates in a final project where students have the opportunity to design and build a significant software application. This project allows students to showcase their skills and creativity.

1. **Intensive Workload:** CS50 can be quite demanding, especially for beginners with no prior programming experience. The problem sets and projects can be time-consuming.

2. **Pacing:** Some students might find the course's fast pace challenging, especially if they are new to programming and computer science concepts.

3. **C Language:** The course starts with the C programming language, which can be challenging for beginners due to its low-level nature. However, this also provides a strong foundation in computer science principles.

4. **Self-Motivation:** As an online course, CS50 requires students to be self-motivated and disciplined. Keeping up with the lectures and assignments can be challenging for some.

In summary, CS50 is an excellent computer science course that provides a strong foundation in the field. It's known for its engaging lectures, comprehensive curriculum, and challenging problem sets. However, it can be demanding, especially for beginners, and requires dedication and self-discipline. If you are interested in learning computer science, it's definitely worth considering, whether you're a Harvard student or an online learner. Be sure to check for any updates or changes to the course content or structure since my last knowledge update in September 2021.